Fellowship with a Purpose
I am humbled and honored to have been elected to a Grand Line position with the charity organization that is so close to my heart... Grottoes International
This organization of outstanding Masons and their Families helps children around the World and has fun doing it! I have never met a more incredible group of people in my life and the opportunity to service them in this capacity is a dream come true.
Thank you to my Brothers for the confidence. I will not let you down.
A special thank you to my beautiful and inspiring wife Lisa Snyder for accepting this challenge by my side. Without her this would not be possible. Her sacrifice for the benefit of the Fraternity and the World is nothing short of awe inspiring!
There are many many others who have helped, encouraged, and supported me on this continuing journey. Thank you all!
Now the work begins. Great things ahead!
Humbly... Jeff
I am respectfully and humbly submitting my name for consideration as candidate for Grand Captain of the Guard at the 132nd annual Supreme conference of the Grottoes International.
The purpose of my run is to continue my support of the Grottoes International and the Humanitarian Foundation. Dentistry for children with Special Needs balanced with the fun and frivolity of the Prophets is my goal.
As an Army Reserve Captain, I have had the opportunity to lead, mentor, and support the Soldiers within my several commands. I have served multiple deployments as a logistics / intelligence commander.
My wonderful wife Lisa is my support and loving companion. She is fully supportive of my candidacy and is willing to serve and support the Realm.
Selama is my home Grotto. The incredible Prophets of Selama support my candidacy.
I continue to be active in my Blue Lodge and appendant bodies. Masonry is the backbone of the Grotto and I fully support everyone working together for a common goal… our children.
My Goal is to Serve. I can be reached by phone, text, or email. Thank you for the opportunity and I appreciate your consideration.
Respectfully and Fraternally…